DC 5 Comic Omakase (O.D.D Collection Item)

DC 5 Comic Omakase (O.D.D Collection Item)

  • $5.00
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Anyone can purchase anything from Our Dark Dominion (O.D.D) Collections; however, if you've purchased an O.D.D Mystery Bundle (Level 1, 2, 3) REMEMBER to use your O.D.D "Key Code" Coupon at checkout to UNLOCK your price!



nounomakaseplural nounomakases
  1. (in a Japanese restaurant) a meal consisting of dishes selected by the chef.
    "we had the five-course omakase"

Japanese, literally ‘respectfully leaving another to decide what is best’.

DC Omakase Includes:
5 hand-picked DC comic books (Bagged and Boarded)
Each Omakase's contents are unique!

Comic book goodness

Show off your haul and remember to tag us on Instagram @ darkdominioncomics

NOTE - We guarantee 9.2+ condition for raw books unless otherwise stated. We cannot guarantee 9.8 grades on raw books.

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